Sunday 5 October 2014

Parsnip thinnings

My new most favourite smell in the entire world is the smell of a parsnip being pulled out of the ground.  I was at the allotment for the first time in ages today, and I dug up some carrots that had been well munched, a cabbage, 4 parsnips and a bucket of green beans.  The parsnips have just been scrubbed and are going with our roast chicken for tea.  They were just big enough for us all, and have left us with a bit more space in the parsnip corner.  To be fair, I should have pulled up a load more parsnips, but a combination of nettles and wet soil meant that I couldn't manage to to a decent job.

I have a plan for the remainder of the beans.  They are all a bit tough and bitter now really, so I have podded as many as I can, and am drying out the beans inside in the trusty dehydrator for storage.  I am imagining a hearty spicy Moroccan bean soup with homemade bread in about February actually!!!.  Sounds yummy.

I actually cleared and dug over the pea bed, and harvested today.  Next year I definitely need to do some weed control around the pumpkins.  They were so promising, but have just been strangled and I have very little coming off them really.  Never mind.  Live and learn.

The Christmas new potatoes are coming on a treat.  Loads of growth on them, but I need to think about getting some fleece or some bubble wrap to pop around the tub to protect them from frost.  The tomatoes in the garden are coming to the end.  There are still a fair few tomatoes that are ripening, but the plants look quite sad now.  One looks nearly completely dead actually!!!.

My challenge for next weekend is to plant the garlic.  I am determined to plant some this autumn.  The spring planted ones did alright, but were a bit on the small side.  I am hoping for better things for next year.

I have avoided the allotment for the last few weeks.  First we had illness, then we were away, then it rained a lot, then we were ill again, and then I was just to scared to go in case I didn't recognise it because of the weeds.  I do get over faced by these things.  However I feel much more positive after going today.  And I know what I am asking Santa for this year - a strawberry planter.  We have loads of runners coming off the strawberries and no space to plant out any  more at the allotment, so  a planter in the back garden sounds promising.

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