Wednesday 9 April 2014


I am heading to the allotment tonight.  I don't care what else I have to do, what jobs or packing or tidying or preparing...I am going.  Getting very stressed out with all that I have to do for the house move.  I need a spot of "eco-therapy".  I just find it impossible to be stressed or sad or grumpy or anything negative whilst on the site.  I always leave with a smile, either at a job well done, or successes growing nicely, or just the peace and tranquillity allowing me to get my head back into order so I can tackle the rest of my life with a better perspective!!!.
My new fire pit arrived this morning.  This was a bit of an impulse purchase, but I am quite pleased with it.  We have to burn a load of papers, old bank statements etc. and we were looking at buying an incinerator thingy-ma-jig.  But we also need a bbq, and preferably something to take with us camping, so we have settled for this fire pit that fulfils all of the above requirements.  I wonder if the ash from the fire is useful for any plant in particular or should be used as a general fertiliser.  More research needed I think!!!

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