Friday 27 February 2015

February blues

So in case you missed my thoroughly melodramatic meltdown in my previous post, this time of year makes me quite wobbly and miserable.  I am alright on the run up to Christmas, and by April all of the plants are up and running which cheers me up, but this time of year is dreadful.  Dark, cold, rainy and the children have cabin fever (and so do I).

So I am going to start to attempt to mindfulness.  An attempt to focus on the positive rather than the negative.  I am going to find 5 things (or more) every single day that have made me smile.  It is easy to focus on the mess my husband makes, or the snoring, or O bouncing from sofa to sofa, E whining all day long for food!!!  But they do some lovely things, and I am guilty (especially at the moment) of ignoring them and focusing on what they have done wrong.

Todays list of positivity
1 - I was woken up by both children, husband and dog piling onto my bed for a cuddle this morning
2 - I had time for a nice hot shower before Paul went to work this morning (and I managed it without an audience of dog and children!!!)
3 - E gave me a fab cuddle in soft play, with arms and legs wrapped around me like a little spider monkey
4 - I had my most favourite thing to eat when I came in from Soft Play - A slice of homemade bread with real butter on it.  Yum!!
5 - I got the computer working, so during naptime I am going to set O off on it and sit with a cup of tea and something Mummy-ish on the TV for half an hour.

The sun is shining, the Dahlia's have germinated, and after naptime we will head to the allotment for half an hour.  I have my fingers crossed that the Daffs will have sprouted and I can bring some home to put in a vase on the table!.  Today is going to be a good day!

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