Sunday 9 November 2014

Family values

On one of the frugal blogs that I follow there was one about a person who can't say no to buying and spending money on things.  It rang with a certain resonance.  At some point my children are going to get to the age where they want "stuff".  It is going to be expensive stuff, stuff we can't afford because of the lifestyle choices we have made, stuff their friends have.

I firmly believe that we are making the right lifestyle choices for us, and I truly believe that my children will become adults who will agree with that.  But I am not foolish enough to believe that there won't be a period of many years to come where the decision we have made won't be good enough for our children.

I want my children to find the value in what they have, not what they think they should have.

I work on our allotment, and the children do too.  Hopefully this will teach them to value what we have, to recognise that hard work brings results, that nature is in charge not humans, and to avoid waste.

I sew clothes and toys and things for the home, and will teach them to do the same.  On a practical level this teaches them skills that they can utilise throughout their lives.   Also waste, hard work etc.

I home educate the children.  I am hopeful they will learn the value of education, of learning. I want them to find joy in learning something new.  I firmly believe that this is missing from schools just because of so many children learning what they are told, not about what interests them.  Tangents are rare, and going off on tangent not acceptable.  Embrace the tangents.

I volunteer to teach Junior church ever Sunday.  I hope to teach them the value of helping, of doing something for others.

I have sacrificed my career, friends and earning potential to raise them as a stay-at-home Mum.  I have done so gladly and without regret, and I hope this teaches them that family is the most important thing in the world, and to embrace that family with joy.

Most of all I want them to understand that the most important things aren't material possessions.  Earn enough to be well fed, warm and safe.  And spend what little time we have on this planet making yourself and your family loved and happy.  The best things in life are free as they say!!!.

My children understand all of this now, and truly believe they will remember and understand all of this again.   But I am aware that there will be a period where they will forget the message.  They will forget to be thankful for what they have and the skill they are gaining. And they will break my heart.  As adults they may make different choices for themselves and their families.  And this is fine.  All I want for them is to make THEIR choices, and not follow the expectation of others, and to hold true to their own values

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