Thursday 6 November 2014


I am so unbelievably excited, and I am trying to be calm, but am mostly bouncing off the walls.  We are getting a dog.  I have always wanted a dog, and it has been on the "when all of the babies are old enough to make good choices"  list for some time.  And since we decided no more babies (sob sob)  we have decided that now is a good time for a dog.  It is not a spur of the moment decision, but definitely one we have made in time, and it is all E has asked for for her birthday anyway.  Husband was a bit slow to warm up to the idea, although he had agreed hypothetically for years, but E went over with her blond curls and big blue eyes and said "please Daddy, Please,  Ellie want a doggy", with only minimal coaching from me!!!!  And so tomorrow we will take ownership of Elsa (fingers crossed).

I met her on Monday at her current owners house.  She is 9 months old and is just the sweetest.  She is a cavachon, which is half king charles Spaniel and half Bichon Frise, and has big brown eyes, and an interesting curious little face.  And a tail that is never still.  I can't wait to go on long walks with her.  I will need to do a sweep at the allotment to get the bramble runners that have taken over before taking her down there though.

Naturally the children are excited.  O is claiming it to be him idea all along, and isn't he clever to think of such good ideas etc etc.  And E, who still struggles with the concept of time passing, knows we are getting a dog but "On Friday"  could mean in 5 minutes, or forever and ever away.  But we did get a few necessities from the pet shop.  And that was exciting.  I have spent the last few days moving all of my sewing things into the spare room, that is now not going to be a nursery but a sewing room/drying washing room/ironing room.  And have cleaned and tidied everything except the car and the garden.  The car will have to wait for another day because the nearest space I could park in today was further than the extension cord for the vacuum cleaner will reach, so am about to sort the garden out.

I am going to compost the top of the Christmas potatoes today as well.  The weather is turning very cold, and I don't want to get caught out with an unexpected frost.  And the tomatoes are going as well.  So there will be plenty of space for Elsa to run, play and poop.

Happy happy.  xxx

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